Cancer had become the common cause of death in Tsholofelo Nnone’s family. It had recently snatched the life of her mother and it was clear that she was next in line. Tsholofelo was already contending with signs of breast cancer; just a week after her mom’s burial, she also began to feel lumps developing in her left breast. An in growing fear immediately begun to rob her of inner peace! Panic stricken and worried of the dreadful fate that seemed to be coming her way, Tsholofelo came to the conclusion that she would also lose her life to cancer. As if that was not enough this condition tagged along a pain that rendered her completely useless; unable to sleep or even go anywhere.

Having come to terms with her misfortune, Tsholofelo visited the doctors for examination as well as to get medication that would relieve her of the excessive pain she was experiencing. She could neither take any more of the sleepless night nor afford to skip anymore lectures therefore decided to have the matter tabled with the medics. After undergoing medical tests they made their diagnosis and concluded that she had ‘fibro-adenoma.’ According to them, this condition should be pain-free thus they were astonished by Tsholofelo’s case. This aliment left disheartened her to a point where she was almost losing in to depression.

However when all hope seemed lost, she was fortunate enough to make way the Crossover Candlelight 2016/17. “The message that the man of God delivered that day rekindled my faith, I knew that no matter what I had to be separated from my ailment despite the fact that I was not on the prayer line. As the Prophet Cedric prayed for the people, faith for healing was born in my heart”– she added.

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