
For the past seven (7) years Ms. Kelebogile Tebele, has not known peace due to a painful hip that has been tormenting her. This pain hindered her from carrying on with her daily life activities; she couldn’t do any household chores or even bath herself. As a teacher, the excruciating pain hindered her from doing her job effectively as she could not stand or move around freely, and often times she was absent from duty due to this pain. She went to traditional healers in search of solution but all her efforts proved abortive. Having run out of ideas she went to the hospital where the doctors gave her pain killers and a crutch to assist her with walking. Further scans by the medical doctors revealed that Ms. Tebele has insufficient fluid between the bones hence causing friction. It was at this point that the doctors recommended a hip replacement for her, however she could not go ahead with the operation as it was too expensive for her.

Overwhelmed by the challenges life had thrown her way, she came to a decision that the only solution was to seek divine intervention hence she came to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries. The messages of the man of God encouraged and  built in her heart the  hope that God shall restore her health.  Sunday the 12th of June 2016, Ms. Tebele was  privileged to receive prayer from the man of God and instantly she was healed from the pain that had tormented her for years. She jumped up and down demonstrating the mighty healing Jesus Christ had performed on her. She walks freely without crutches, bathe herself and can now perform other household chores all for the glory of God. A few days after the prayer Ms. Tebele went back to the doctor for another scan and it was confirmed that her hip was restored to it’s normal position which meant that there was no need for operation.

Ms. Tebele further narrated that she had gone through 15 years of stagnancy in her professional life, and the very same touch she received from Prophet Cedric which brought about her healing also unlocked her promotion.

“…Two days after an encounter with the Prophet, I received a letter of promotion, from the position I was to a senior teacher level 1,” says Ms. Tebele, jubilantly.

She concluded her testimony by advising people to wait on God as God’s time is the best!

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