Having been born in a family tormented by the scourge of asthma, Thato Lebekwe could not escape the ordeal. From as early as 3 years old, the hospital bed became her second home. She would be admitted time after time due to a number of countless attacks of asthma. What begun as flu soon became a fully blown scourge that stood its ground for 14 years. This is surely no man’s dream!
As a toddler, her life was everything but normal; she could not play with other children as any rigorous activity, a speck of dust and a slight smell of perfume would trigger the attack. As a student, the asthma weighed on her thus her academics were compromised. From her primary school years to junior secondary school level, her academic performance was meagre due to missing lessons and yearly examinations as a result of the affliction. It became more severe, to a point where she would have multiple attacks that would result in her being nebulized in order to stabilize her condition.
Unable to surmount the hurdles set before her, Thato’s mother started patronizing spiritualists and cults believing that her daughter would be permanently healed but her efforts failed dismally. The year 2017 marked a turnaround in their lives. On the 17th of July 2017, Thato Lebekwe was among those privileged to be arranged on the Monday prayer line with Prophet Cedric. A touch from the anointed servant of God was enough to wipe away the plight of asthma that had enslaved Thato for the past 14 years. It has now been 2 weeks now since her healing and she has not used any nebulizing spray or had an attack which Thato describes as a miracle to her.