During the Sunday Service, the man of God gave Ms. Basina Buka a prophetic word and said “You once saw something like a ghost. You saw a dead person coming to you covered with soil, and now you are a ghost. Sometimes when you apply, your documents go missing. The story of your love life is nothing to write home about.” 

When confirming the prophetic message Ms Buka said that in 2014, one of her colleagues dreamt her dead. Immediately when she heard this, she felt as if she was dying and eventually collapsed and her colleagues came to her rescue. After some days she dreamt of her late mother coming to her cloaked with soil as if she is right from the grave .When her mother looked at her it was as if she was just about to deliver her bad news like, “I have come to take you.” -this confirms the prophecy she was given by Prophet Cedric.  Since that time she started to experience sleepless nights. In the midst of this ordeal Ms. Buka tried to seek for medical attention but was only prescribed sleeping tablets which did not help but caused her to be drowsy during the day.

To show that the words of the man of God were not tales but a true revelation of the life lived by Ms. Buka, she furthermore explained that whenever she applied for a job her documents would disappear. Even at her workplace she was told that her files were missing. This spilled over and affected her finaces as well. Her love life for over 16 years has been nothing but misery, all her relationships turned to dust and ashes. Concluding her testimony she thanked God for her new lease of life and peace. Ms. Buka said that for the first time after a long time she slept peacefully like a baby, dreams of the dead are things of the past and above all she feels revived and alive once again.

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