It is joyous for every woman to find out that they are expecting a bundle of joy but for Virginia Letsebe it was different case. As she attended her ante-natal checkups the doctors told her that she had a bleeding cervix. This came as a shock, however they assured her that everything would be well. She gave birth to a bouncing baby girl in 1997 but to her surprise the bleeding worsened and this time it was accompanied by severe abdominal pains and a green vaginal discharge with an awful stench. This brought a lot of embarrassment to her as a lady because she always feared that people sitting next to her may smell the terrible stench. In 2011 a handful of cervical tests were done on her, the results indicated that she had traces of cancerous cells which disappeared as time went on.

Even so, her problems were far from over. The sickness continued to ravage her and visiting traditional healers and spiritualist did not even bring her close to solution. Her marriage came to the verge of collapse as her affection towards her husband vanished completely living them in constant fights.

In 2015 a friend invited her to 3G Ministries where she received faith building messages. Her life gradually transformed and her faith was nurtured. Ms Virginia waited in God and believed that her time would come for God to change the case of her health. The healing that seemed like a far-fetched dream now translated into a possibility. She attended the prayer line on the 17th of July 2017 and expounded that as she was being prayed for she felt the power of God come upon causing a burning sensation which trickled down her spine. It went on to engulf her entire body and she couldn’t fathom what was happening to her nonetheless she had only one thing in mind, “this must be God healing my bleeding cervix”. At that jiffy she knew that God was doing something. The man of God prayed for her in the name of Jesus and declared that she was healed.

After the prayer Ms Virginia delivered many clots accompanied with heavy bleeding. This was God healing her ancient bleeding cervix; four days after, the bleeding completely stopped and since then she is healed. It’s been more than a month now since Virginia’s healing. Indeed when Jesus Christ heals you He heals you effectually!

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