Amoral association was the genesis of her downfall in academic performance. From a very young age, Resego was a well behaved and brilliant child who would unremittingly get grade A’s and her character was on check. However, this did not stand the test of time. When she got to junior school, she began to associate with people who were interested in worldly music and social media much more than their studies. With eagerness, she joined in and spent most of her time on social media; such that she would sleep and wake up to it every day. Instead of taking school notes she would write down song lyrics and made it a point to board the most popular loud combi despite her home being a stone’s throw from school. “Such tendencies and awkward behavior could not leave my academic life unharmed; from the A I had got in PSLE, I started getting very low B’s. Nonetheless I did not do anything to improve my results.”

Resego’s journey with the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries started in 2014. Her coming to the church was met head on by the commencement of the PPS initiative by the man of God, Prophet Cedric. Having received the character building messages by the man of God, she resolved to mould her character in line with God’s word. She let go of every bad habit she had and focused on her academics. From then on, an improvement was seen in her academics and it was finally affirmed by her JCE results where she got an overall grade of an A consisting of 5A’s and 3B’s.

This was a green light into her senior school where she continued well. Adding on she affirmed that she was a constant 46-48 point student in her senior school. Prior to her admission into senior school, she received a prophetic word from the man of God concerning the leadership position that he sees her acquiring. “I see God using you as a leader, a group of people will choose you to be a representative. “Just as it was said, so it came to pass in her life. In 2016, she campaigned for a position of leadership –Deputy Head girl but instead of being taken for that position she was chosen to be Head girl. “It was an awesome experience because I knew deep in my heart that whatever that I was doing was not because of what I possessed but because of God’s Grace. It was humbling to know that God was fulfilling His promise in my life,” she said.

Even as a leader, Resego continued to do well academically but had been struggling with English language stating that she would normally get B’s and C’s despite the effort she put. In 2016, she was privileged one more time to be an active participant of the PPS initiative. She exerted her genuine willingness; worked with her teachers and read as if her success depended entirely on her. Indeed God’s ability was assured and excellence was guaranteed. She managed to do well in her BGCSE; scooping an overall of 48 points consisting of 2A*’s, 4A’s, 3B’s and 1C with a notable improvement in English, where she got an A*. The young lady has now left a mark as a leader and a good student all for the glory of God.

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