“I once dreamt myself in a prison cell full of ladies and they were sleeping together…” Elizabeth said as she attested to the presence of a dark force that had almost wrecked her life – almost to the point of no return. A sudden urge for women rose within her, drawn particularly to their bosom. No one knew, not even her that the reason behind her bizarre liking for women was actually the aftermath of a spirit that entered her at a tender age. Many walk freely but in actuality, are prisoners of satan suffering under the arm of the enemy…

Taking us down a trip to memory lane, Elizabeth recalls a morbid attack she underwent at the age of ten- she was raped by a close relative. As she grew up, she concealed the events of that dreadful day and kept it all to herself; growing up with a knotted but very heavy heart. As a result, she hated men with a burning passion to the extent that being with one was a torturous ordeal done only to please the society – as she suffered inwardly, impatiently awaiting the day she would end the courtship. According to her, at the age of fourteen she slept with a woman older than herself and thus losing all self-esteem; a sense of femininity eluded her. Emptiness and self – hatred were the only emotions she harboured toward herself, forcing her to yield to the expectation that was quickly upon her as she aged. Rarely having a female friend, Elizabeth did all in her power to avoid any interaction with her kind as she grew a deepening urge to romantically involve herself with one. Consequently, she resorted to surrounding herself with boys as she had no kindling toward them.

As she was just about to complete her Junior Certificate, she had mastered the habit of alcohol drinking as a “safe place” to run away from her troubles. With the passing of time, the addiction grew like dough laced with yeast! She had not a care in the world what the repercussions of her actions would be, she lived in the moment as she explained. Entering the tertiary institution, the hidden urge for women carried on – she went to the point of watching pornographic material exhibiting the gory act of lesbianism and enjoyed every minute of it, unaware of the shackles that held her spiritually bound. As she was under the impression that this was a fashionable act, she would invite other females in her dorm to view these images and that was how some of her people were captured by the dark force.

Riddled with fear, Elizabeth would wake from her sleep in a jostle after having a nightmare of which she would see herself in the very depth of the sea, swimming with aquatic creatures and at times in a community of people she knew not. “It was under these waters that I would see women engaging in horrendous acts of sexual intercourse.” She said. Thereafter, the urge to engage with women would bombard her and at this occurrence, she attests that she indeed was a prisoner as she didn’t know what she could do to stop this affliction. Not only would she see herself under the waters, but she would also have dreams of snakes and at times being bitten by dogs – she truly did not know the meaning of peace.

Waking up to face the world, she would come across women who exhibited their interest in her of which she declined but deep within her, she longed for these immoral acts. Each day presented a new set of challenges for Elizabeth, at one point she started hearing voices of contrary spirits and would be struck with fear beyond her imagination. As she carried on with her life and entering the presence of God, she incorporated the use of the Living items believing God to locate and set her free, for the glory of His Holy name. Witnessing the deliverance of fellow men and women under the same bondage strengthened her faith in Christ and finally her appointed day with God came!

A touch from the able servant of God inspired by the Holy Spirit was enough to send any dark force helter-skelter! Immediately during prayer, an evil spoke through her stating one by one each of its misdeeds in her life. “You are free in the name of Jesus!” was the word from Prophet Cedric that sealed her freedom in Christ Jesus. Rising from the floor and thanking Jesus therefore signified the end of her lifelong struggle and the beginning of Life in Christ for her – she no longer has a peculiar and questionable affection for women. She is forever grateful as God Almighty has taken her from the deepest pits and unto Light for the Glory of God. Thank You, Jesus is her response.

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+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

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From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

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