Learning by grace versus learning with self-effort; the two sides to young Ndibo Silver’s life. From a young age, she was known to be amongst the top performing students in her school and as a result her academic performance was based solely on her intelligence. She developed a mentality that her brilliance and efforts are to be praised for her academic performance.

However, in the year 2016, while in Junior school her marks drastically dropped from a grade A to B. Seeing this, she tried all that she could to reclaim her top position but all her efforts proved futile. When she was encouraged to enrol into the PPS Initiative and came to the realisation that for her to reach heights in academic performance, she needed God by her side. Her decision to depend entirely on God gave birth to her miracle. She believed that the grace of God would carry her through and with genuine willingness she changed her attitude. With her new discovery of the Source of all wisdom, she studied as if it all depended on her and prayed fervently as if it all depended in God.

As Prophet Cedric usually says, a man without challenges is a man without a destiny. So did not come as a surprise when Ndibo came across a challenge. Just a day before her examination, she was admitted into hospital due to sever tonsillitis. Amid her challenges; she did not fret nor lose hope; armed with the Living Water and Living Sticker she triumphed the sickness and successfully wrote her Junior Certificate Examinations. Ready and armed for battle, she went into her examinations and maxed her studies with an overall of a grade A consisting of four A’s, three B’s and two C’s. Giving her testimony with a dose of youthful vigour, she gave thanks to God for a turnaround in subjects like Agriculture, Science, Religious studies which she managed to excel from a grade C to grade A.

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