A well celebrated football player; Lemponye Tshireletso made his way to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries in 2013 on a rather penitent state. Though decorated in trendy big club colors, having sailed through the nation’s most pivotal games, his own life was but a sad and dull lifestyle. Unlike the clichéd exuberant style of living that on- pitch fellows have often been tagged with, he did not fancy neither the venomous bottle nor chase after miniscule skirts. However, he found himself in a bottomless pit of limitation; yes! He had the banknotes yet he could never ever trace to which bills they honored.

In the church, he found his long lost hope within the teachings of Prophet Cedric. ‘Don’t give up’ became a seasoned message that forever found its residence within the walls of his heart. In times of turmoil, distress, career stagnancy and a whole bucket of more problems, his inner man would often voice out; “Don’t give up, God is with you.” This strengthened his faith in Christ Jesus and slowly but surely, the proceeds could not be ignored. The first among many became a burning desire to acquire assets to his name therefore in 2015, he managed to procure a piece of land at a very reasonable and most unlikely price compared to the trending real estate tariffs.

Within a few months of starting the development project on his newly acquired piece of land, he was hit by various challenges such as lack of water in the settlement. Therefore he was forced to outsource water from nearby villages and this weighed quite heavily on his funds. Nonetheless, he forged ahead with a clear vision. To his own surprise, the project was completed within a jiffy; just a few months and a fully completed apartment was spread out on his land. To fully explicate the mystery behind this achievement; Lemponye states that he did not need to acquire any monetary support from financial institutions but the in depth truth is that he toiled hard and from the proceeds of his sweat, he accomplished what had been a far-fetched dream for quite some years.

The young man went on to state that as he continued coming to the church, purpose was born within him and he started looking to Prophet Cedric as his mentor. He developed both the drive and passion to become better and so his vision of acquiring assets expanded. Within two years, he managed to add two cars under his ownership. Even more, as he shaped his character in line with God’s Word, a favorable reward presented itself during one of the transfer windows whereby he was privileged to move from one eligible club to a big and thoroughly competitive one. Such a transfer facilitated a much preferred lifestyle and today, he stands firmly acclaiming that God positioned him in a better and much more fulfilling pedestal in life. Just as the nation celebrates his successful career as a footballer, he firmly revers and accrues all of his gratitude to the God he found his mentor Prophet Cedric worshipping!

In closing, he firmly said to the church, “My talent on the field is not my own doing. God gave me this talent therefore I always return to Him with thanks because it is only Him who regulates, nurtures and maintains the very talent.

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+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

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From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

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