While other students struggled to comprehend the academic models and theories; excelling was bread and butter for Kefilwe. God had graced her with brilliance. During her primary school years she was not only well-known to be the best in her class but was also esteemed for her good character. She was a very promising student highly revered by many teachers.

When she got to secondary school Kefilwe never knew what possessed her. She found herself roaming around with a group of boys who introduced her to social media and pornography, in no time the spirit of lust hit her. Engulfed by lust; she started getting involved in sexual relationships unaware that education and worldly pleasures do not mix. It did not take long before her academic performance started to decline, her brilliance was gone and she was headed for doom.

She continued to swim in the flood of failure until she came to 3G Ministries in 2014. Nonetheless, Kefilwe was still holding onto the world up until she had a dream in which she saw the man of God Prophet Cedric asking her ‘whose she is, God’s or the devils?’ Kefilwe alluded that when she woke up she pondered over these words and reflected on her life. From that moment she took a heart decision to change her character and build her life on the word of God.

She started to witness a transformation in her academics and started attaining good marks. During her final Junior Certificate Examination she obtained grade B. Kefilwe attests that when she got to senior school she was more determined than ever, she continued working hard, worldly pleasures were no longer part of her life. She was also privileged to be part of the PPS initiative in 2016.

“I recall that in our first meeting the Prophet gave us a message titled; ‘Be conscious of your dream’ immediately after that meeting my dream was reborn, I had hope in my academics”, Kefilwe expounded. She further stated that as she approached her final BGCSE examinations, she prayed in faith using the Living sticker and Living water believing for the will of God to be done in her life. As God never disappoints, she did remarkably well and scooped 43 points with an evident change in most of her subjects. From the usual D’s she would get in English, she has now moved to a grade B and an A in Religious Education just to mention a few.

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