For several years Charity Disang was an average student and had even come to terms with this fate. She had settled for mediocrity so much that she saw no need to work hard believing that if her grades were good enough to allow her admission into the next level then all was fine by her. Year after year her performance declined and when she got to junior school it worsened; Charity’s marks dropped and before she knew it, she was stuck on a B Grade. Seeing this, Charity thought that maybe if she put in some effort then she would cross over to an A but No! The limitation still continued. She literally gave up and went back to believing that she would never make it to higher ranks.
When all hope seemed lost, Charity was introduced to PPS, she attentively listened to the messages of the man of God and acted upon them. “Marry your books and genuine willingness plus God’s ability equals Excellence; when the man of God gave us these messages, I gained faith and hope that something good would come out at the end of my final junior high year provided I obey,” she said. Accordingly she scooped an A of 55 points for her Junior Certificate Examinations, for the very first time and her hope was restored.
With this Charity became part of those who were honoured with the PPS ‘White Stone’ academic excellence award by the man of God. This motivated her to do more and she even made a promise to herself and God that she would do whatever it takes to get 48 points for her form 5. Though she started off well at senior school, at one point she found herself limited to getting 44 points, a mark far below her target. Recounting on the cause of her misfortune, she attributed it to laziness and being in the comfort zone.
Fortunately, she had PPS! The messages that the man of God delivered to them kept her going. In one of the meetings the man of God directed students to divert their attention from where it has always been to their academics and this message hit the core of Charity’s heart. This message became her driving force and the pivotal support for her academics; she made a heady decision to divert her attention from her laziness and to move from her comfort zone and focus more on her academics. “Receiving such a message made me remember the promise that I had made to God that I would get 48 points in senior school and it also became my strength and driving force,” she added.
Henceforth the sky became the limit for Charity, her grades began to improve and when the final exams came she was more than ready. She ministered the Living Water and prayed using the Living Sticker believing for the best outcome. Yes! Her faith did not fail her, the young lady scooped the 48 points that she had always dreamed of.

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