‘I diverted my attention from the worldly pleasures to God and He uplifted my academics from a downhill sludge to a place of honor.’ These were the words of a jubilant Kgotso Mopati Rabothako who glorifies God for the radical transformation upon his academics.

Kgotso started off as a very brilliant child; always topping the class grade list. However things took a nose dive at standard two when he almost lost his father to a car accident. The incident disturbed the young lad to a point where his marks drastically deteriorated causing him to lose the top position in the class. Even though Kgotso managed to recoup after that, another storm hit in standard four; his interest was drawn from his academics to the world as a result of the older friends he had, some of whom were over 6 years older than him. His attention was on the ‘latest trends’, the ‘latest movies’ and being ‘popular’ thus causing him to pay minimal attention to his studies. As if that was not enough, Kgotso’s attitude towards his parents changed; he became rebellious, arrogant and disobedient. He would do nothing in the house besides resting comfortably and watching television. At this point his marks worsened; from an A student, he became C student.

Fortunately, in 2012 his parents brought him to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries where he was eventually enrolled for PPS 2016 when he was doing his standard 7. Kgotso was greatly inspired by the character building messages delivered by Prophet Cedric. The message “Divert your attention from where it has always been to your academics” hit the core of the young man’s heart prompting him to repose and resolve to act it. He cut the bad friends and became devoted to his books, he made a study timetables to facilitate his learning, knowing that his dream of success will only come to pass if he works towards it.

Kgotso’s genuine willingness began to pay off as God enabled him to improve in his academics; gradually he moved from a grade C to a grade B. When the final Primary School Leaving Examinations came, the young lad ministered the Living water, believing God to complement the hard work he had put in during the years. Yes! God did not disappoint his faith; when the results were published, it was flying colors everywhere for Kgotso; he manage to scoop an overall grade A.

Concluding, he advised his peers to work on their character as it is the best maintainer of every blessing.

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