Excellence was the common language at the tip of Atang Kelebeng’s tongue as it was a norm to obtain grade A’s for all her subjects, but all this took a dramatic turn upon mixing with the wrong crowds. Constant bickering, laziness and a display of ill manners was now her lifestyle and not so surprisingly, her academics were adversely affected. She was now limited to obtaining grade B’s and C’s which was by far below her potential. This incessant limitation she was phased with had dragged her 3 years of her academic journey. In the year 2016, upon making her way to the Arena of Grace and getting enrolled for the PPS initiative; she found out God’s opinion for her academics. “Marry your books, Up your spirit” among many of the Spirit-filled messages of the man of God, Prophet Cedric, went to the heart of the young lady and prompted her to align her ways to the Word of God. Obedience was born in her and she did as the Spirit of God had revealed.

Though difficult in the beginning, she made it a point that she would obey the Man of God to the core and this, as usual bore fruit in her academic pursuits, settling the fact that an instruction given in righteousness never fails. With the use of the Living Water in faith, her success was as sure as the rising of the sun. Instead of the constant B’s and C’s she managed to scoop an overall grade A for her PSLE. Bad character, bad friends and laziness are now a thing of the past and a newly reformed Atang stands before the church today glorifying to the goodness of the Lord. Grace has indeed re-written her course.

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