For Ms Janet Dithuri, June 2017 marked a reminder of an untimely tragedy that rendered her lame. Trekking down memory lane to the horrendous day her ability to walk was altered, she narrates that she was ran over by a donkey cart and ever since then, her physical life had severely deteriorated. Referring to medical assistance, she was told that no major damage was incurred however, the throbbing pain she had to endure begged to differ. She returned a month later for a second opinion where the doctors discovered that she had actually suffered a Compression Fracture in her spine. With this, she was immediately recommended a Lumbar Corset for support, crutches and frequent physiotherapy to assist with walking. The past three years became nothing short of a nightmare for her; what was her normality, she could no longer do; walking and performing household chores became difficult therefore, she was unable to fend for herself – consequent to this, she lost her job.

Seeing her situation worsen and nothing remedying her infirmity, she sought for divine assistance and thus she made way to the Crossover 2019/2020 Prayerline where her testimony was perfected. “During prayer from the Man of God, I felt a crackle on my spine and I knew that a change was occurring in my body. When the Man of God instructed me to stand up, I could not believe that it is was me! After three good years of endless suffering, God came to my rescue through Prophet Cedric. Now I run, walk and bend without manhandle – I can do everything I could not do before,’ declared Ms Janet Dithuri. Glory be to God Almighty, what man could not do in three years – Jesus achieved in a matter of seconds!

Contact / Location

Contact info

+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

Gathering Times

From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

Events / Calendar
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