Mr. Amos Kgotlana from Mookane village was an alcohol addict for over 23 years. The

addiction had caused a great deal of commotion to his once tranquil life, leading him to a characterless

and carefree lifestyle. Whenever he was under the influence of alcohol his intellect would be reduced to

zero. When he was intoxicated he would become a loose cannon; hurling insults at everyone around

him. As a result he has been imprisoned for many offences of which he does not remember committing

to date. Moreover, his frequent run-ins with the traffic law enforcement caused him to be on the top of

the drunken driving list. “There was a time I woke up in a police cell and I was told that I had run over

someone with my car while under the influence of alcohol.”- said Mr. Amos, giving a candid description

of how the affliction ruined him. As if this was not enough, due to his bad character and conduct Mr.

Amos ended up losing his job in the year 2013. His superiors who had always been overlooking his bad

behavior were fed up and had to let him go. Unemployed with a bad record, no company was willing to

take him onboard.

The struggle following his loss of employment was a wakeup call for Mr. Amos. Seeing how alcohol had

robbed him of his peace and left his life in tatters, he made a heart’s decision to quit consuming it. He

made his way to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries in the year 2014, where he met God through His

servant and he was finally delivered from the scourge. At this point doors of opportunity began to swing

open; a clear sign that no one meets Christ and remains in bondage. Companies began to recognize him

as he would be called for temporary jobs and he finally had a morsel at the end of each day. In the year

2016, God surprised Mr. Amos with a permanent job in one of the prestigious companies in the country

as truck driver with a better wage offer. His current salary of P4 300.00 displays a considerable contrast

in comparison to his previous employment in which he earned P1 600.00, something that had only been

far- fetched for him. As if that was not enough one of his relatives blessed him with a car; promoting him

from a chartered pedestrian to a driver in his own right.

During his testimony, a completely transformed Mr. Amos had the following words for the people of

God -, “Seek first the kingdom of God and all the things you desire shall be added.”

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