At the tender age of twelve years, Balebeng began smoking cigarettes, marijuana and drinking alcohol. What initiated this bad habit was a simple discussion in class on substance and drug use. He explains that he developed an unexplainable curiosity to experiment with alcohol and cigarette. Soon after, this habit escalated and he began to smoke marijuana. Attempts to stop after realizing a decline in his academic performance proved futile. He managed to stop a while but always found himself back to his old habits.

By the Grace of God, he managed to advance to Tertiary School but this brought about more hurdles and obstacles. Because of his newly found freedom and a guaranteed living allowance, the habit to indulge in alcohol and smoking became extreme. Balebeng states that he would walk out of class just to go on a drinking spree with many of his friends who were also indulging in the same undesirable practice. In order to continue receiving an allowance to support his habit, he resolved to attain average marks. After barely completing his Diploma in electrical and electronic engineering, Balebeng got a job which he quit after only four months. He justified this drastic decision to little remuneration even though it was significantly more than the allowance he received while he was still at school. In just two days, he had squandered all of his salary in a senseless escapade of smoking and drinking alcohol.

After quitting his job he was forced to stay home where he spent all of his days lounging in inactivity except to drink and smoke should a penny come his way. In 2012, he was privileged to enroll in the government’s initiative of internship which he also quit before completion. He would miss work just to go and satisfy his uncontrollable urge to smoke and drink. Balebeng narrates that this habit had total control over him because he always regretted afterwards and vowed never to repeat again but he always ended up indulging in substance abuse. Whenever he passed a liquor selling establishment, he felt as if something beckoned him to enter and buy alcohol or to at least browse through the shop if he did not have money to purchase anything.

Seeing people smoking or drinking also evoked the urge to do the same. Because Baleseng is now staying with his son while completing his degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, he often times uses money designated for school fees and transport to appease his habit. This weighed heavily on him and though he was remorseful, he could not summon the will to stop substance abuse leading to intense anger. The realization that his situation was beyond human control, he recalled an invitation extended to him in 2013 to the Gospel of God’s Ministries thus made his way to the church on the second Sunday of 2018.On the third Sunday of the year, he received a prophecy that pinpointed his predicament and his life has not been the same since that fateful day. Today, Mr. Balebeng testifies to the church that after receiving prayer, he is a new creation in Christ Jesus. He is free from addiction to drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes and marijuana! The urge to buy, indulge and the anger that had consumed him have also dissolved into oblivion in Jesus’ name.

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+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

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From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

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