
Mr. Bokang Marupi embarked in a journey with his friends from Francistown to Gaborone when he met his fate. The car that they were travelling in overturned when they were just about to arrive. Everything happened so suddenly and he found himself on the ground, his body was so heavy and covered with a raging pain such that he could barely move. It was in the midst of this situation that he remembered he had a handkerchief that he received from church. ‘ In the midst of the pain, I then remembered that I had a living hankerchief within my pocket. I have absolute faith that if not of this hankerchief I would have died because the accident was fatal.” It did not take time before some people saw them and offered to help them out. They were rushed to the hospital and upon arrival the doctors confirmed that Mr. Marupi had injured his ribs and twisted the C2 bones. The doctors put a neck collar around his neck and instructed him to remove it after (2) weeks. As he knew the greatest physician of all times, Christ Jesus! He did not dispute the doctor’s instructions but knew that God is able to heal him and He is not limited to time. Mr. Marupi was privileged to be in the prayer line during a one-on-one service. “Man of God please help me, I had a car accident and have twisted my C2 bones and I am now using a neck collar”, cried out Mr. Marupi who seemed to be in agonizing pain.

The man of God prayed for him in the name of Jesus and instantly the pain just melted away proving that darkness has to pave way for light. It was then evident that the very life of God has healed him as he jumped up and down, twisted, bended and twirled his neck demonstrating that Jesus Christ has indeed healed him. To affirm his healing the consequent scans even revealed that his neck bones are now aligned well, there is no swelling nor tenderness; Mr. Marupi further explained that his doctor was also astonished by this miraculous healing. This can only be the works of Jesus Christ! What man said it would take him 2 weeks to heal took just a touch of Christ to bring an end to his pain! Indeed where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom!

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