
Mr. Alfred Mashungwa from Mathangwane exalts the name of God for the amazing miracle He has done in his life. The year 2010 was a dreadful year for him as he was diagnosed with diabetes.He was on treatment ever since and in 2014 he was admitted in the hospital as his problem persisted; this time around it was now uncontrollable and he was given insulin injection and tablets to take on daily basis.The prescription was never to ommit the dose as doing so will endanger his life .He had resigned to the conclusions of his doctors, battling headache, body pains, and the unpalatable odour of different medication.He thought that he would depend on those anti-diabetic drugs till his dying day. It was a sad tale as the sickness did not only affect his physical body but also stole the affection towards his wife. But the ways of mortal man are not the ways of God.

Having seen the terrible state in which her husband was in, Mrs. Mashungwa invited him to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries in March 2016, where he met Christ face to face through the faculties of the man of God who prayed for him. “When the man of God prayed for me I felt the healing power coming upon me” said Mr. Mashungwa. After the mighty encounter with the servant of the Most High God, he confirms that he is completely healed as from that point further he never took any anti-diabetic drug. His healing was sealed by the doctor’s report which revealed to him that his insulin level had declined to a normal range. All the debilitating symptoms took to their heels, leaving him healthier and stronger. Not only was he healed, his wife Mrs. Mashungwa testifies that the affection that was dead between them is now restored.

“Truly, what is impossible with men is possible with God. Men treat yet God heals and does so effectually.”

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