
While undergoing military training in February 2016, Ms. Innocent Lebani began to experience intense pain on her right leg. She immediately sought medical attention and was told that she has a minor crack on her bone. She was given pain killers to subdue the pain as well as assurance that in no time all shall be well. Innocent continued with training and during one of the sessions she hit an FN Riffle with her right leg thus worsening her condition and her bone was fully broken. The state of her leg became worse to a point where the doctors prescribed that she wears a cast for a period of six weeks and be given light duty at her work place. She also had to use the aid of crutches to walk as the leg was too painful.

During this period Innocent could not do anything at all; she could not do any chores, bath herself or even train with her colleagues. This really frustrated her a lot as she missed certain important courses of her military training and if she does not recover and get back with training, she would eventually be exempted from the training programme. Despite this distressing fact, Innocent stood firm in faith believing God to see her through; she kept coming to 3G Ministries where she has been fellowshipping since 2015.

“Though I did not undertake these courses because of my injury, I was not one of those who were to repeat the military training because I knew I had to create an atmosphere that was conducive for the manifestation of the power of God by ministering the Living Water on myself,” expounded Ms Lebani.

On the 12th June 2016, God met her at her point of need through His servant Prophet Cedric. The man of God ministered spirit filled prayer to Innocent and she was instantly healed. It has been over two months now and her broken bones have been completely mended together. Demonstrating before the congregation to ascertain her fitness and new-found freedom from pains, she happily clarified her medical reports showing her condition before and after the touch of God. The doctors have confirmed that the bone has closed the gap that befell during the incident. She no longer feels pain on the leg, she can now walk with no assistance; she resumed with her training and even graduated with her group.

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