In the year 2013, Ms. Tiny Mogagola stepped into the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries in search of

solution to the constant disappointments she had been facing in her career. After completing her

Secondary Education in the year 2003, she had only been able to attain temporary employment.

Out of all the ten (10) siblings, she was the only one who managed to complete her Secondary Education

thus everyone looked up to her for provision. However, due to the temporary basis of her employment,

she was unable to provide for her family. She also attests that as a means to elevate her education, she

would do short courses whilst sending applications. However, she would still face negative responses as

she would be told that her qualifications were inadequate to meet her desired post. As the problem

persisted, she sought for solution from different witch doctors who would claim to give her the best

remedies which not only did not solve the problem but made it even worse.

She came to 3G Ministries in the year 2013 and was made anew; all her troubles were surrendered to

God. With the hope that things would turn out better, she held onto God and indeed He did not

disappoint her. On the 2nd day of the month of May 2015, Ms. Tiny’s life was resurrected as God

located her amongst the multitudes that had come to fellowship in the church; this selection was

through the faculties of the man of God Prophet Cedric. “You were born with a blessing and this blessing

has been taken away from you,” the man of God revealed. Indeed this was true for her life, she had

been stagnant in her career for the past thirteen (13) years.

After receiving the prophecy, she got employment on temporary basis but this time around, she held

onto her good confession of faith, believing God for a permanent job. This was because she knew that

the words of the Prophet can never come back to his mouth void. Ms. Tiny worked in that company for

three (3) months and on the following month, yet another company offered her employment. This time,

the employment was permanent and pensionable, fulfilling the promise of God over her life to restore

her blessings. Ms. Tiny understood that she was blessed to bless others; she managed to sponsor her

brother’s driving lessons and he now has a license. Moreover, she built a house for her family all to the

glory of God.

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