In December 2018, I gave birth to a baby boy through Caesarean section which was happening for the third time. Due to the complications that occurred during the procedure, I lost a lot of blood. After that, the medical team which attended to me advised that I should never fall pregnant again due to the risks. However, in March 2020, I started feeling sick and had to run tests and my worst fear was confirmed, I was pregnant! This was beyond explanation because I was on contraceptives, even the doctors were puzzled.

According to the doctors, it was too risky due to the following reasons:

1. Having had 3 C-sections previously, I had already reached the maximum number of surgeries.

2. I was still healing from my previous surgery as it had only been a year since I gave birth and there were chances that a bulging stomach could cause my uterus to rapture.

3. A surgery was life-threatening since I had lost too much blood on the last procedure.

Considering these 3 reasons, the doctors explained that not only would a surgery be risky but life threatening. Infact, they told me straight to the face that I would die! According to them, the solution was for me to terminate the pregnancy. However, we sought for a second opinion and surrendered everything to God with the faith that with Him, everything is possible.

On the day of the surgery, I tested positive for COVID19! Alone and anxious, I cried my lungs out. However, when I got the chance, I presented my case and prayer request to the man of God to pray with me. This God – the God of my Father, Prophet Cedric did wonders! Later that evening, the surgery was performed and it was the easiest and painless of all the procedures I have ever had! By His grace, a bouncing baby girl was born and we named her Praise Resaobaka!

Contact / Location

Contact info

+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

Gathering Times

From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

Events / Calendar
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