Mr and Mrs Sebetlela, natives of Kalamare were among the many who came forth to glorify Master Jesus for touching their lives. Mr Sebetlela started explaining that they met in 2004 and their character then was not aligned to the word of God. 

“The thought of getting married had never crossed my mind and whenever my wife tried to talk about it I would get irritated and dismiss the issue all together.”-he said.

They came to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries in 2013 and just a word was enough to change their perception about life. Messages such as “Build your life on Character” encouraged them to amend their ways. They made a heart’s decision to align their ways to God’s word. Mr Sebetlela also realized that the attitude he had towards marriage was due to the anti-marriage curse that was operating in his family. Only a few people were married and two of his brothers had tried to get married before but all their attempts proved futile. He also noted that there was no peace and unity in their family and as a result he had not gone to his home village for over six years.

However after the touch of God through His word a desire to get married was born in his heart. He first reconciled with his people and with one heart they decided to celebrate triple wedding with two of his brothers. Even though they had a few hiccups during the preparation period, they continued believing God, ministering the Living Water and praying with the Living Sticker. The couple never ceased coming to the church and as they obeyed God’s word their faith grew and became sufficient to lead them to their miracle- a beautiful wedding celebration on the 27th December 2015.

Furthermore Mr Sebetlela shared that he received a prophecy from the man of God Prophet Cedric during the 2014 Easter service where he said that there is someone who is in a partnership and there is a misunderstanding about money. He confirmed the prophecy to be true and explained that after the prophecy his business began to boom. However in the beginning of 2016 the business was greatly challenged to an extent that it had to run at a loss, even so, he kept his faith and persevered believing that the best was yet to come. As he became more devoted to God, his business had an unexpected breakthrough; he received a back pay of over P 180 000, nullifying all the months of lack that he had to endure.

Adding on to their long list of testimonies Mrs Sebetlela said that God also touched her career as she recieved a miracle job. She had never applied but was called for an interview where was also opportune to choose her own salary. From a salary of P1900, she now earns around P5000, all for the glory of God.

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