Everything was a bliss for Mr. & Mrs. Sepapi while they were still dating but all hell broke loose after getting married in 2012. There was no affection and their marriage was at the verge of collapsing as Mrs. Sepapi explained that there was tension between them. They hardly communicated issues and this drifted them further apart yet they pretended as if everything was perfect before the eyes of family and colleagues. “Every time when I was to meet my husband, I would be struck by a mysterious abdominal pain and sometimes developed rash on my privates, deeming it impossible for us to meet as husband and wife” added Mrs. Sepapi. All these brought about no affection for her husband and their marriage was reduced to a burden. 

Mr. Sepapi also suffered the same pain as this situation extremely hurt him. He tried his best to ignite things in his marriage but none of his efforts bore fruits. Due to loneliness that he experienced in his marriage he resorted to masturbation which later became a habit that was very hard to break.  It was in the midst of this predicament that Mr. & Mrs. Sepapi during the service the duo received a prophetic message from the man of God , “where is your husband, what is happening in your marriage, there is no affection, you cannot meet your husband?” she responded by calling her husband forward. The man of God prayed for them and promised them that all is well in their marriage and they will come back to share their testimony. Just as the man of God declared the couple came back to glorify God for restoring the essence of marriage in their life. It was hard for the couple to hide their newly found joy; they couldn’t help it but smile! “It’s like we just met yesterday, our affection towards each other is back and it feels so wonderful”, confessed Mrs. Sepapi with an obviously beaming face.  Mr. Sepapi is also set free from spirit of masturbation; the urge to masturbate is totally gone! After experiencing the mighty power of God in their marriage, the happy couple advised the people of God to have faith and trust in God!

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