July 18th of the year 2016 was the service that the man of God declared as the ‘Monday of Rest’. In his declaration, he said that it would be a day that his people shall find be separated from their troubles and find rest. With their faith resting on this declaration, Mr. and Mrs. Motlalekgosi made their way to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries believing God to meet them at their point of need.

During the service, they were located through the word of prophesy, revealing the spirit of death as the genesis of their torment. Confirming the prophetic word, Mrs. Motlalekgosi recalled a sinister incident that she encountered while attending a funeral but had shrugged off at the time. She revealed that during the proceedings, she had felt a sudden, eerie and cold breeze crawl up her skin; this was when death clasped its cold grip into her life. From that time onwards, everything in their life went on a downward spiral; all their business prospects suffered a loss, their finances were in shambles and their family name was constantly dragged through the mud as they mysteriously faced rejection from people and it seemed as if nobody wanted to be associated with them.

She revealed that they established a company and named it ‘Forever Sure’, stemming from the fact that the Lord’s promises are forever sure. Despite the noble name, the company went through storms of challenges and was running such a loss that many times they would have to finance it from their own pockets. Upon hearing their confession, the man of God gave them a prophetic word, assuring them that they will come back with a testimony. As they heard these prophetic words, hope was reborn in their hearts and they began to see their business in a different light. In a turn of events, the business also started to manifest the fulfillment of the prophecy given to the couple by Prophet Cedric.

Giving glory to God, the couple testified that while the yoke of the spirit of death has since departed from their family, God has also blessed them with material wealth. The wondrous works of the Lord has ensured that their business successfully surpasses its historic performance as they even have bookings to host events next year (2017). Moreover, it is no longer a liability to them as it can efficiently run and cover its own expenses whilst still bringing in a very good turnover. As if that was not enough, dignity has been fully restored to their family and they are now respectable people within their community.

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