
Mr. & Mrs. Mokhathazi came to The Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries in September 2014. Prior to their visit the duo had been together as a couple for eight years and had the desire to get married but all their efforts proved futile. Upon coming to the church, the couple was privileged to be prayed for by the servant of God, Prophet Cedric and they celebrated their union into holy matrimony in December 2014. The marriage that they longed for and struggled to accomplish for many years, they were able to celebrate within two months just after a touch from God through His servant!

After receiving their marital breakthrough the Mokhathazi’s ceased their reliance on God for maintenance of their blessing. Just as it is known that the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy, satan used the opportunity to torture the Mokhathazi household. He impishly found his way back into their lives and planted a seed of unremitting-chronic quarrels which were the order of the day. Mr. Mokhathazi had no time for his wife and would spend his nights out on drinking sprees with his friends whom he prioritized over his family. Peace was a far-fetched theory in the Mokhathazi family and financial stagnancy supplemented the quandaries that the couple had. Mr. Mokhathazi who was once a successful businessman found himself with empty pockets whilst Mrs. Mokhathazi, a Computer and Network Engineering Degree holder, had been employed on temporary basis as an intern; her superiors commended her on her outstanding performance and even assured her of permanent job but that never came to pass. She was often called for interviews which deemed promising but landing the jobs she was called for never materialized.

Additionally, Mrs. Mokhathazi expounded that she was abused by evil spirits and used to see herself being molested by men and snakes in her dreams. Hopelessness was a blanket she wore on a daily basis and defeat was her companion. The couple then decided to hand over their dune of trials to God as it was through Him that they received their blessing of marriage and only through Him that they would be able to maintain the blessing they had received. The Mokhathazi pair was privileged to be on the Monday prayer-line service on the 10th of October 2016. As the man of God prayed for them, the evil spirit succumbed to defeat and allude all the mutilation that the wily foe had done in the lives of the couple.

“…Through birth; I entered her through birth and did a lot of things, destroyed her marriage, she cannot find a job and I destroyed her husband, he is nothing, he is unable to do anything for himself,” the evil spirit revealed.

Subsequent to the reveals of the evil spirit, the Mokhathazi’s were set free from all chains of bondage that had enslaved them for many years. Peace, happiness and affection has been restored in their lives. The couple has now been blessed with a car, house, farm and tenders worth of million Pulas, this can only be the works of the Almighty!

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