For Ms Ontlametse Tshwene, it was a disheartening tale of stagnation. For many years she toiled tirelessly as an assistant supervisor in one of the prestigious diamond companies in Botswana but was only limited to a basic salary of only P2 000. This experience was demoralising for Ms Tshwene as she also witnessed her subordinates being promoted ahead of her but could not explain why things turned out that way. It had already been seven years of dismay and suspended hope as she waited desperately for promotion but to no avail and deep down in her heart, she knew that something was wrong somewhere. She went to many different spiritualists and traditional doctors nationwide and even beyond in search of solution but all attempts proved futile. Many would tell her that within a week she would be promoted but it never happened. Ms Tshwene was never privileged to go beyond standard seven so she gave in to her situation believing that she would never advance in her career.

In 2013 one of her colleagues invited her to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries where God eventually disentangled her from the evil that had held her down through a prophetic message in January 2014. The man of God talked about the issue of her career and gave her assurance that God has answered her prayer. Time passed by and the unexpected happened; after 10 years of meritorious service to her employer, instead of being promoted Ms Tshwene got demoted. It was only failure at the peak of success. Not willing to accept defeat, she decided to resign from her job as she knew that demotion was not her portion. Ms Tshwene did not lose hope, she held on to the words of the man of God knowing that the best was yet to come in her life.

For a period of 6 months she stayed at home but along the way she lost all hope of ever finding a job when many taunted her about her unemployment. In the midst of all this she was called for a job interview which she failed as she depended on her own abilities. Having lost hope she went to yet another traditional doctor who told her that there is no way he could help her and that she should go back to the man of God who gave her a word that God would elevate her as that is the only place she would get her blessing. Having heard the traditional healer confess to the power of God, this became a wake -up call for Ms Tshwene; she came back to 3G ministries.

Upon arrival in the church, she was called for interview by the very same company that had rejected her. She was privileged to get the Living Water and Living Sticker which she ministered when going for the interview. By God’s Grace she landed a Job as a laborer with a salary of P1 900. However this did not dishearten her as she knew that she ought to do her best in order for God to meet her halfway. She worked very hard and indeed God met her at her point of need as she got recognized for her good performance. She was given Certificates of excellence and also got a salary increase; she now earns a monthly salary of over P7 000 all to the glory of Jesus Christ.

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