Ms Obolokile Leisimane who hails from Kgagodi village alluded that from December 2016, she was not cautious of the severe headache that she used to experience until a time when this headache presented itself as dizziness. “This headache struck me on a daily basis and on severe instances, I would spend the whole day in bed. My productivity at work was adversely affected as my job required me to stand for prolonged hours” she said. This proved to make her work an almost unbearable and impossible task to complete. The situation was so dire that her supervisors often recommended her to take some days off.

In search of solution, Ms Leisimane consulted medical doctors who only gave her painkillers and with inconclusive evidence, narrowed her sickness to low blood pressure. Medical tests were carried out but the results proved negative. The painkillers that she was given only brought about a temporary solution as the headache would recur a few days later.

On the 12th of March 2017, Ms Leisimane was one of the visitors present in the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries Sunday service. As the service progressed, all visitors were privileged to partake in the gift of the fruits of the Alter. This was Lesimane’s account; “Just after I finished eating my fruit, the headache that I came with disappeared instantly and I knew that I was healed.”
Since that special encounter, she is now totally healed and no longer experiences any headaches. From that day, she is no longer a pain killer dependent. Her healing came about the anointed fruits of the altar and with bold confidence, proclaimed the Lord’s Power which reigns freely in His dwelling place.

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