For the past four years, Ms Thandie Mogojwe has been working in a position she was overly qualified for as a temporary diamond sorter. She states that when she was offered the job, she had hopes that in no time she would be offered a permanent post but nothing of that sort transpired. Nonetheless, she worked as if everything depended on her and never gave up because she wanted to excel in whatever she was doing at the time. After serving for a long time under the same position without any progress, Thandie lost hope as she was told several times that she cannot be offered a permanent post and she could not progress due to the fact that there were no such positions available for her.

Just when she approached the end of her wit, she came to know of the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries where her hope was steadily rebuilt. She believed that at His time, God would see her through and change her situation. Round about the same time, Prophet Cedric declared that he sees someone getting a better offer in one the renowned diamond companies in Botswana and in no time at all, a hopeful Thandie was invited for an interview from a diamond mining company.

God, in His Mighty ways, answered her prayers as she was offered a permanent post in the company. When the news came to her, she was quite surprised because she was underqualified for such a posting. However, she was happy because she had been praying for that opportunity. As soon as she settled down in her job, within the same year, her salary increased three times more than what she previously earned. Furthermore, a commercial plot was allocated to her after having waited for 15 long years. To God be the Glory for such a marvelous testimony!

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