
“I only thought I was gaining weight” was the only logical explanation of Ms. Lydia Tafhi when she explained how she had suffered from an incomprehensible case of a bulging stomach. Ms. Tafhi gave birth in January 2015 and since then she has been experiencing a swelling stomach as well as the rest of the body, something she simply dismissed as a case of gaining weight. The stomach continued to bulge further and when it didn’t seem to stop, she visited the doctors who later revealed that she had complications with the kidneys. She was immediately admitted into the hospital and underwent various tests.

“Whilst I was in the hospital, the doctors gave me the shock of my life when they revealed that I had Nephrotic Syndrome which is commonly known as kidney failure. They immediately started me on a treatment for the condition and accordingly advised on the most suitable diet to follow” expounded Ms. Tafhi. Due to this sickness, she experienced further symptoms that saw her whole body getting swollen up and filled with fluids, moreover she developed a hump and hair started growing all over her body. The doctors then gave her some medication which only brought down the swelling but all in all, the condition still persisted.

Adding on, the medical professionals later told her that she will have to live with the condition and undergo treatment for the rest of her life. As a result, she was unable to breast feed her child and small tasks such as standing up became a burden for her. She was also unable to go to work. In July 2015 after her confinement period she came to Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries where she then joined the one-on-one prayer line service where her placard was boldly labelled ‘kidney failure’. She was prayed for by the man of God prophet Cedric and thereafter she had the privilege to get the Living Water which she prayed with, believing God to heal her from the ailment. Ms. Tafhi continued in faith and by her next doctor’s appointment, she was declared normal; kidney failure had been fully reversed all for the glory of Jesus Christ. She can now do all the things she was unable to do, she goes to work and she can walk properly to the glory of God.

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