‘In the day of my favour, I Lord will rescue you!’ an extract from God’s Word.

This became a reality for the Maswabi’s family as they were located through a profound word of revelation. It was during a prophetic moment when Prophet Cedric said to Refilwe, “There is an old woman whom I am seeing very close to you. The spirit of this woman has now entered you.”

In confirmation, Refilwe alludes that at the tender age of 3 years old she was under the care of her paternal grandmother, only to find out that as she was growing up, she began to behave like an old woman. Most of the time, instead of her being rebuked or advised by her father, it was the other way round. She rebuked and advised her father and when it came to marital problems, she would give sound advice on how his father should treat her mother in order for their marriage to be sustained. This was to the extent that even with regards to their finances, she was her father’s financial consultant. She would counsel him on the discipline he should embody when it came to money matters. Ultimately Refilwe had assumed the role of a guardian regardless of her tender age.

The advices she gave were too concrete to come from a young girl her age. It was so severe such that when her father rebuked her for any wrong doings, she would feel belittled. This being proof that she was indeed acting like an old woman. At school she was a loner; she spent most of her times by herself. When it came to household chores, she never gave a helping hand. Rather, she would spend the whole day in her room and expect her mother to serve her. Her eating habits were abnormal as she gobbled down a grown up portion of food.

Her mother was as well privileged to receive a prophecy that she should pray against pre-mature death as her left arm is always heavy and that her daughter does not follow on her footsteps with regards to her love life. Moreover, the Prophet mentioned that her people used to make sacrifices to idols. Betty confirms this to be true as the very week she received a prophecy she was being tormented by dead people in her dreams and she had a deep conviction that she was going to die. This was to the extent that she even had to inform her husband about the funeral policies she had in case of her demise. Her left arm was always heavy and sometimes during the night, she would wake up to numbness in her hand. Moreover, relatives were involved in idol worship and the rituals carried out involved animals which were sacrificed regularly. This confirms the prophecy she received to be nothing but the truth.

Today the Maswabi’s are before the church to glorify God for life anew. The old has gone and the new has come.

Contact / Location

Contact info

+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

Gathering Times

From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

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