He would gasp for air, fighting for every breath essential to keep him alive! This horrid fate was one that Moilwa Nong had to contend with for fifteen years. He remembered it as if it was yesterday, how it had all started with a very sudden attack that made it difficult for him to breath. His parents immediately took him to the doctor where he was put on a nebulizer. The doctor prescribed two puffers; one in case of an asthma attack and the other for everyday use and he was told that he would have to live with the ailment for the rest of his life.

Subsequently, intense sport or any other thing that would trigger the attack became a far-fetched dream. Even after taking all precautionary measures; instead of the predicament getting better, it escalated. The agony was a lurid feat, coupled with regular asthmatic coughs, shortness of breath and severe chest pains; Moilwa’s health was not in a good state! Painkillers and asthma sprays only brought temporal relief as the problem persisted. Many times he would wake up at the hospital under the nebulizing machine if by any chance he did not take his daily puffs.

“I remember how difficult it was to breathe; it was as if I was breathing through a thin straw. Sometimes these asthma attacks would happen during the day but most of the time they would strike during the night; I would wake up panting and gasping for air,” he said.

As if laboring under the yoke of asthma was not enough, Moilwa also encountered the problem of piles for the past four years. He would really struggle to ease himself as his stools would be coupled with big clots of blood. He went to various hospitals for medical treatment but his problem was never solved. He had to endure the torture! Going to the restroom for him was equivalent to going to a fierce battle with an archenemy. Whenever he goes to answer nature’s call, the pain would come with such severity that he could not concentrate on anything else afterwards. As a result, he would not go to the restroom for many days. However all that changed during the Monday Prayer line when he encountered Christ through His servant Prophet Cedric. Just a touch and the pains instantly disappeared! He is now able to defecate normally, the asthma attacks and wheezing breath sound are also past tense.

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