Obedience To God’s Word Catapulted Me To Excellence

Since the beginning of her Primary school, Patience Daniel was a brilliant student. By the grace of God, she got an A in her PSLE. Proceeding to Junior school, she maintained her good grades for the first year. Nonetheless, she became adept to relying on her own strength and she experienced a downfall in her academics. When she first stepped in the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries she was enthralled as she listened to the messages of the Man of God such as, ‘Faith without deeds is as good as dead.’ From there on going forward, she never glanced back, the messages she constantly listened to became her driving force. She had the privilege of being part of the initiative PPS, where the Prophet gave them an equation; Genuine Willingness + God’s ability = Excellence. Her hard work strengthened by the ability of God ushered her to getting a credible A in Junior Certificate Examinations.

By the time Patience went to senior school, she maintained the same spirit. She would always read ahead, kept her work up-to-date and sacrificed her vacations for studying. To her disappointment, she experienced a drastic deterioration in her performance. Nonetheless she forged on and kept the word of God in heart. Her life came to a screeching halt when she visited a doctor who diagnosed that blood was not circulating properly within her brain leading to forgetfulness, which had always caused her to forget what she had read.

After the diagnosis of the unfortunate condition, she registered for the prayer line and was prayed for by the Servant of God. After that, there was a sudden indescribable change within her followed by a drastic transformation in her academic life. The sickness that had snatched her peace evaporated without a trace. She began understanding what she was reading and her grades improved. Her zeal to study was ignited and she studied like it all depended on her and believed God for a miracle. The rewards of obedience to God’s Word is exactly what she reaped after sitting for her examinations. Patience surpassed her expectations and got 43 points in her BGCSE all for the Glory of God. ‘Obedience is a necessity if we want to reap the proceeds of being in God’s presence,’ she quotes the words of The Man of God.

Contact / Location

Contact info

+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

Gathering Times

From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

Events / Calendar
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