Ms Kutlo Angelah Bodika started her academic journey as an outstanding student who would often attain A’s but along the way, due to her association with bad company her character began to change. She was inattentive to her academics which led her to barely make it through the PSLE examinations with a dismal C. Proceeding to junior school, she says all got worse when she was exposed to the ‘world’. She got involved in social networks and found indulgence in dating. Just as the world is an enemy to academics, her grades began declining drastically to the terrible D’s.

In 2014, her father introduced her to the PPS program where during the group’s general meetings with Prophet Cedric, he would admonish youngsters to amend their characters and focus on their academics in order to attain excellence. Through God’s ever enduring mercies, Kutlo was able to attain a grade B in her final JCE examinations. After witnessing the improvement in her results, she devoted herself to God and continued to rely on Him even as she proceeded to her senior level. “I started to take heed of the man of God whenever we had PPS meetings. I recall in one of the meetings when the Prophet gave us a message titled “Whatever you do is a seed”. I pondered over those words and realised that by sowing the seed of disobedience to my patrons, social media addiction and dating, I would surely reap bad results and so from that moment on, I stopped all the bad I was doing and focused on my academics.” The time came for the young lady to write her final BGCSE examinations and God did not disappoint her as she attained a marvellous 39 points all the way from the lowly and despised position of just 24 points.

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