Mr. and Mrs.  Samson got married in October 2015, and right from the day of their wedding Mrs. Samson developed apathy and dislike for the marital affection. Her legitimately married husband suffered rejection and it was extremely difficult for him to express his feelings towards his wife. Mrs. Samson explains that immediately after marriage; she noticed that her behaviour towards her husband had drastically changed. She knew what was expected of her as a wife but she could not execute her duties. She could not prepare anything for her husband and every time her husband approached her on the matter, anger would fill her heart so much that her husband would have to dance to the rhythm of the song. Whenever it was time for them to get intimate, Mrs. Samson would either act to be tired or cause unnecessary fights. Unknown to Mrs. Samson, an evil spirit was working hard to destroy their union. Whenever her husband was angry, she would rejoice inside, each and every time when her husband was away, she would miss him more.

According to Mr. Samson, his wife was becoming intolerant day by day. The seven months that they were married, was characterized by disappointments and bitterness. ‘I was living in a hell of  marriage, my wife could not even iron my clothes and she treated me like a child’, said Mr. Samson with a gloomy face. He expounds that every time they had to meet as husband and wife, his wife would tell him to always put up a request three days prior. It was a sad tale of marriage for Mr. Samson as he labored under the yoke of lack of affection for his wife. Whenever he tried to be affectionate towards his wife, it would be as if he is with another man in the house. His feelings were totally dead. As they were going through this sad-phase of their marriage; Mr. Samson knew that their situation needed a spiritual solution. This is when they made their way to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries where the root cause of their problems was exposed.

During the Sunday Service, the man of God located Mrs. Samson and gave her a prophecy saying, ‘did you tell your husband that you are experiencing an attack? You are tormented by the spirit of death. As Mrs. Samson stood up to confirm the prophecy, the evil spirit could not resist the power of God and as the man of God prayed for her, the evil spirit manifested and confessed that, it has destroyed her life; career ,there is abject poverty at her home and it has caused her marriage to be in a mess. Led by the Holy Spirit, the Man of God prayed for them and they were set free.

Mr. and Mrs. Samson displayed great happiness as they testify to the restoration of their marriage. The affection has been restored. Mrs. Samson expounds that what she is experiencing is love at first sight; she can’t set her eyes off from her husband as she sees him as a very handsome man, before she used to see him as a stranger. Ever since their deliverance Mr. Samson has been restored as a husband in the house, his wife is submissive, she treats him with respect and above all he enjoys the benefits of being a husband.

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