Though Segolame Ntuntunyane was an average performing student in her early years of schooling she remained resolute with a mind-set that God would make a way where there seemed to be none and amidst her failures she was very optimistic of a turnaround in her academics. During her primary school she would only be limited to getting C’s and B’s and in her PSLE final exams she managed to scoop a grade B.

Proceeding to her junior school she then befriended the wrong crowds who introduced her to the world of social media. It did not take long before her academic performance started to decline and she was headed for doom. Being part of social platforms she now spent her time chatting with friends and as such she neglected her studies. This meant a decline in her performance and just by the mercies of God she passed her form three with a grade B.

In 2015 she was invited to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries and upon arrival she was privileged to attend PPS meetings where she recalls vividly the man Of God telling them to “Divert their attention from where it has always been to their academics”. As an instruction given in righteousness always produce results Segolame knew that she was bound to realign her life with God’s word. She did not resign to the gloomy fate that stood before her instead she chose to go God’s way. She took a heart’s decision to divorce all bad habits and focus on her academics knowing that with God an improvement was assured. Segolame understood that God had shown an interest in her academics by introducing this initiative and all that was left for the puzzle to be completed was her genuine willingness. She did her part and waited for the best that was to come in her life.

At the end of form 4 the diamond that had been polished by PPS began to shine. During their school’s prize giving she was one of those who were awarded for surpassing other students. She received 3 prizes, best in Religious Education and Top 20 best student being amongst them. These occurrence jolted her bearing in mind that she had never received any prizes of excellence in her life. In 2016 she was enrolled in PPS and decided to add an extra subject to those she was doing to make them 10 in total. She had to put in more effort, she ensured that this addition does not become the reason for her downfall. During her BGSCE examinations she ministered herself with the Living water and prayed with the Living sticker believing God for a breakthrough in her life. As God never disappoints He made a way for her and she managed to scope a whopping 45 points with an A* in Religious Education and an A in Chemistry, subject in which she had been limited to B’s. From just an average student, Segolame now stands among the top students in her school.

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