Growing as the only female amongst a crowd of boys made me behave like a boy and even dress up like one. All seemed normal to me and I never questioned my behavior. My interest was only in male clothing even at school I kept a company of boys.
Nkele alluded that the same spirit continued with her to a point where she made friends with men as she grew up and started working as a teacher. From a tender age football was her hobby such that she eventually became a referee in the women’s football league and man’s first division football league. Therefore she had to be masculine and bold in her practice as most of the time during the men’s football games she would feel as if men were belittling her. Her work as a referee affected her teaching career because she was frequently absent from work just to officiate in the football games. Her love for the sport was so severe that she could share the same room of accommodation with men when they had to attend football matches.

Her behavior and character worried her female friends such that in most instances they would advise her to wear women’s clothing when going out for dinners/luncheons but all their efforts to stop her macho behavior proved futile. Even at the school where she worked her supervisor would often advise her to wear woman’s clothes but still all her efforts were in vain. Changing her way of life and macho behavior seemed to be far-fetched but upon arriving in the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries in 2013 she met head-on with character building messages by the servant of God Prophet Cedric, amongst those were “Faith is Discipline” and “Build your life on character”. By the end of the year 2013 God separated her from her past, she started having interest in women’s clothing and to date she feels like a woman, her feminine character has truly been restored.

Nkele continued to witness the benefits of character reformation, in 2016 she was also blessed with the message titled; ‘Keep Your Dream Alive’ and it was through this message that her dream of having her own house was reborn. In one of the Sunday services of August 2016 during the mass prayer the Prophet gave a prophecy declaration and said “I see you getting into your mansions”. Ms Nkele grabbed this prophecy by Faith and in September 2016 she saw a house advertised for sale and she was able to purchase this house all to the glory of God. A 3 bedroomed house with a garage at a discounted price of P100 000 less than the initial price, from a mere tenant to a house owner within a month, this can only be he works of the Almighty.

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