Kgomotso Motlhale battled with severe abdominal pains for over six years. The medics could not fathom the cause of her ordeal and as such could do nothing about it. As a result she had to live in pain every day and depended on painkillers to alleviate the throbbing discomfort. As years passed, her situation worsened to a point where she was referred for medical imaging which then revealed that she had an ovarian cyst. She was further given copious medications but they only proffered temporary solution.

Seeing her debilitating state, a friend invited her to 3G Ministries in 2016 where she met God; the Healer. She was privileged to attend the Monday Prayerline where Prophet Cedric ministered prayer to the sick and oppressed; she also received prayer and went back home with conviction that she was healed. Narrating her experience, she explained that exactly four days after the touch from Prophet Cedric she felt a pressing need to rush to the ladies. Upon arrival, the cyst dropped flat to the floor and she was free from pain and torment. She then went back to see her doctor who performed another scan that showed no signs of cysts in her ovaries.

Furthermore she was delivered from the nightmares she used to have; often times she would dream of snakes, frogs and all other bloodcurdling creatures. Moreover she would even see herself eating in the dreams and after having such dreams she would wake up to excruciating pains in her abdominal area. Even more, she lived in fear. But all this misery came to a forceful end after Ms. Kgomotso was part of the mass prayer where Prophet Cedric declared, ‘Whatever you might have eaten from the table of the enemy vomit it now in Jesus’ name.’ Instantly she began to vomit white sluggish balls and that signified the culmination of her weird dreams. Filled with joy she professed to the church that she no longer has those nightmares. God has since put a new song in her mouth and an end to her predicament.

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