
Liver cirrhosis is a medical condition which is characterized by the liver becoming porous and depleting as a result; the condition is normally caused by excessive consumption of alcohol. That was the case of Mr. Phenyo Bethia, who states that he started drinking alcohol in the year 1991. The habit became an addiction and soon the addiction spiraled out of control. He decided to stop drinking on his own but with each attempt, the urge only intensified.

The addiction continued throughout the years, affecting his career and livelihood; he was performing poorly at work and his finances were nothing to write home about. As time went on, his health began to deteriorate; he started feeling weak, losing weight and having severe fatigue. As the situation persisted, he sought medical attention. Upon arrival, the doctors did blood tests which proved that Mr. Bethia’s liver had a severe problem. Instantly, he was air lifted to one of the private hospitals in Gaborone for further diagnosis.

After an in-depth analysis, the doctors concluded that the case of liver cirrhosis that Mr. Bethia had was beyond medical treatment. His liver was completely damaged and he was susceptible to a six (6) months lifespan. At this point, the colour of his eyes had completely changed to a yellowish shade, a dead giveaway to sickly health. Upon hearing of the situation, Mr Bethia’s brother, who had been a member of the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries, invited him to the church. Taking heed to the invitation, Mr. Bethia came and was privileged to be arranged for the prayer line during one of the Sunday Services.

“The man of God Prophet Cedric just laid his hand upon me, praying through the name of Jesus Christ and that was it! I was free from that day onwards. A month later, I went back to the hospital and the doctors were very surprised that my liver was restored to its normal condition. They were shocked as they knew that I was only awaiting death!” expounded the jubilant Mr. Bethia.

It has been a year and four months now, Mr. Bethia has been completely free from alcohol addiction and liver cirrhosis is now a thing of the past, all to the glory of God.

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