Roselyn Tobedza was part of the cast that featured in the PPS Initiative when it was first launched in 2014. At that time she was totally distraught and in tatters both academically and character-wise. For starters, she was into dating and was a Facebook fanatic hence she never gave her academics the necessary attention it required from her. As result, she lost the trust of her parents and her academic status became a sad story. But just after being enrolled into PPS, she was renewed and totally transformed especially through the counsels she received from Prophet Cedric. The young lady took heed of the words and acted upon them with knowledge that faith without works is incomplete. At the end, her endless academic toiling; studying hard and trusting in God, all paid off when she wrote her JC Examinations where she emerged with an A! Something that was totally impossible before she met God through this divine initiative.
Continuing with her narration, the young lady stated that after being admitted into Senior School, she began to be lazy. She would procrastinate and never do her school work on time. Roselyn saw no need to read because she thought she was brilliant but her results said otherwise. She was limited to a low and average mark of 35 points tainted by D’s and C’s. Nonetheless, she hung onto her wayward conduct but not until she heard Prophet Cedric preaching a faith-full message where he said- “A blessing handled badly can become a curse whereas a failure handled well can become a blessing.”
“To me this meant that, God had given me academic breakthrough but because of my behavior, I had turned my blessing to a failure. As such I took the decision to work hard but my academic state remained the same. As I continued, PPS started a bit earlier in 2016 and I was enrolled for classes once more. The lessons coupled with the messages of the man of God such as ‘DIVERT YOUR ATTENTION’, made me to let go of the laziness and work harder to improve my performance.” Above all, something quite interesting sparked the desire to excel in Roselyn’s life. In her own words, she said, “I saw a clip played in the church showing the previous year’s PPS graduates enjoying a dinner with Prophet Cedric. Imagine dining with the man of God! When I saw this, I said WOW! I as well should excel so that I can also be counted among those that will celebrate with the man of God soon.”
After her moment of change, she was later faced with her examinations where she kept the same faith- to work hard and improve her performance. In approaching her examination, she would pray with her mother and minister herself with the Living Water every morning as an act of faith. At this, God did not disappoint her faith at all! She managed to get 44 points which is not tainted by any D’s. Her closing Word to other students was, ‘always meet God half-way your miracle will be sure.’ What a marvellous God we serve!