In the year 2009, Ms. Omphile Malebogo Kgosi completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resource Management.  Fast forward to 2011, she attained her first job as an Administrative Officer in the public sector and this jetted great joy in her heart but little did she know that her joy would be short-lived. She reported for duty with copious confidence as she believed that she was about to exercise her qualifications in the Ministry of Health. To her surprise after reporting for duty she was transferred to the Ministry of Finance where she was deployed to a post contrary to her qualifications.

Realizing this, she appealed for a transfer back to the Ministry of Health but her efforts proved futile. Due to this her dream of many years to perform administrative duties seemed to be fading. Working in a field which she did not study for adversely affected Ms. Kgosi as she found herself not executing her job to the best of her ability. In the year 2013 she opened up to one of her colleagues, telling her about her situation and upon hearing that, her colleague invited her to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries. Following the invitation, Ms. Kgosi came and upon her arrival she was captivated and encouraged by the message of the man of God and the testimonies that were shared by fellow congregants. As she kept on coming her dream was reborn and the hope that she had lost was rekindled. In November of the year 2014, she reapplied for a transfer but her application was rejected once again.

All these challenges did not discourage her because she was now in the presence of God. On the 10th of April 2016, the man of God Prophet Cedric located Ms. Kgosi among the multitudes and gave her words of prophecy in which he said “This is a job issue you are battling with, the same ‘person’ who has been disturbing your finances is the same ‘person’ who has been destroying your love life.” Ms Kgosi was prayed for thereafter. In the month of June, she was called and informed that her request for transfer had been granted. She had been transferred to the Institute of Health Sciences (IHS) on the same position of Senior Administrative Officer, a thing that had always been a far-fetched dream for her for the past four  years. As if that was not enough in August 2016, Ms. Kgosi was promoted to the position of Principal administration officer to the glory of God. Furthermore, a few months after her senior was transferred, she was given a post to act in the position of Chief administration officer to the glory of God. Crowning her testimony, the man of God said, “This is only the beginning, she is still going higher, this is a leader.” This is nothing but a clear confirmation that Christ Jesus’s miraculous supremacy is at work in the lives of His people.

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