
The case of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas is a very good example of the power behind words of prophecy in setting those in bondage free and shining light where there is darkness.

During the Sunday Service, the man of God Prophet Cedric revealed that Mrs. Thomas was never meant to get married as she was donated to idols at a tender age. The prophecy proceeded by pointing out that sometimes she regrets as to why she got married and often times in the absence of her husband she would miss him, but when he is home, she would feel as if he was a stranger. 

Mrs. Thomas said that when she was growing up, her father used to have an altar in their home where they used to worship idols.Often times they will ensure that all the rituals involved were observed accordingly as a procedure of worship. Despite all the goodies offered to these idols, all that Mrs. Thomas achieved was nothing short of sorrow, tears and disappointments. Moreover she became an unhappy and lonely woman. After she got married, the former worship practiced at home affected her marriage. Right from the first day of the marriage, affection towards her husband began to diminish day by day. She would feel awkward and uncomfortable around her husband. Even sharing the same room with him was a problem, surprisingly whenever her husband was away she would miss him but by the time he comes back home, she would develop anger towards him yet again.

 A year later, Mr. Thomas lost his job leaving his wife as a sole provider for the whole family. This  fueled  anger and hatred she already had towards her husband and she lived like a lioness  and a commander. She totally lost affection towards her husband such that it felt awkward to be with him in the same house. “I remember one time he tried to put his hand around me I felt strange, like he was putting a heavy load on me, something like a brick”  said Mrs. Thomas. Consequently she wanted to separate with him for good and had decided to inform her uncles that she wants to divorce her husband.“There was a point in time when I told him that I do not think that we were ever meant to be married and it was a mistake” lamented Mrs. Thomas. It was the shame of the century for his wife to have told him that their marriage was a mistake and that she wanted a divorce. Mr. Thomas suffered disgrace in the hands of the evil spirit that almost messed up his marriage.  As the crisis grew and intensified, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas fell apart and they ended up sleeping in separate rooms, “we were living like roommates not as a married couple anymore since we had lost affection towards each other” said Mr. Thomas with a gloomy face.

Fed up with their inability to resolve their differences, they came to the Gospel of God’s Ministries and during one of the services, the Man of God located Mrs. Thomas and gave her a word of prophecy. Instantly she was delivered from the spirit of  idolatry which was the cause of all her marrital troubles.

Testifying, the couple confessed to their newly found love and peace after their deliverance. Mrs. Thomas is no longer an angry woman since she has been disentangled from the claws of idol worship, they have a renewed affection and Mr. Thomas has never been this happy as they celebrate the reconciliation of their marriage.

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