In 2014, Gaone Moedi received a prophecy from the man of God, “What can you say about your academics? You used to be brilliant”. When he received this prophecy Mr. Moedi was facing challenges in his academics. Though a brilliant student he found himself limited to scoring B’s, C’s and D’s. He was then prayed for in the name of Jesus and the servant of God told him that his brilliance shall be restored.

Mr. Moedi who is a form five (5) student, later joined PPS (PARENTS PROPHET AND STUDENTS) and that is when his character began to change; he became dedicated to his school work and married his books. Today he testifies as a victor, after writing his mid-year Examinations; he came out tops in his class and the entire school. He received three different awards; best student in Statistics and English literature and best overall student for the first time in his academic history. Concluding his testimony he encouraged his peers to work hard as true victory starts within!

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