
When he experienced sudden dizziness and blurred vision, Mr Moyo sought after medical attention and was instantaneously diagnosed with diabetes in March 2016. His blood sugar was far beyond normal and the doctors could do nothing but immediately hospitalize him. This left him in an utter muddle of distress because he had left his wife and newly born daughter under postnatal confinement without anyone to look after them. Fortunately his blood sugar level was somewhat stabilized and he discharged the following day. Even so, his newly-diagnosed condition required for certain foods to be banned from his diet and he was also given medication to stabilize his condition.

Despite all the medical maneuvers that the doctors had orchestrated for him, Mr. Moyo’s health state soon began deteriorating again. His blood sugar flared up and as a result his dosage was doubled. As if that was not enough, the optometrist had also suggested spectacles for him in order to alleviate the eye sight problem that he had. A regular congregant, from the onset Mr. Moyo never gave in to this sickness, he knew that what was the silencer for many would be the platform for his testimony. That is why, following his discharge from hospital, 3G Ministries became his next port of call. He came to the church and was privileged to receive the Living Water which he ministering in faith; believing God for his healing. 

With that, Mr. Moyo continued to maintain a good confession of faith regardless of his prevailing physical circumstances. His life continued in the ghoulish grip of diabetes and it pompously thrived on his corpulent and plump body which he had been trying to lose since the year 2004. The diminishing fortunes of his health led him to acquire a blood glucose monitoring device lest the worst happened. Additionally, the sickness also benumbed and paralyzed the affection in his marriage, rendering him useless as a man. Having to wallow under the wrath of this illness became a cumbersome experience. However by hook or crook he summoned the fortitude to bear what life had thrown at him; rooted in God’s word which gave him hope for good health.

A teacher by profession, he attested to the church that his poor eye sight was a challenge when he was required to attend to his students’ work. Oftentimes he would have to ask his colleagues to carry out tasks that would otherwise strain his eyes. Furthermore, he says that he would negotiate to be seated in the front rows in order to participate in the sermon. Withal, having heard of the water therapy as well as Prophet Cedric advising many people with the diabetic condition to take a lot of water, Mr. Moyo decided to follow this divine instruction. He also gained the audacity to start exercising, something that had only been a far-fetched dream.

Lo and behold, within four months, Mr. Moyo was able to lose ten (10) kg, achieving the toned stature he had always desired. He attested that it was during one of the church services that while giving prophecies, the man of God rested his hand upon his shoulders while addressing the congregation. What seemed to be a simple gesture proved to be a move orchestrated by the Holy Spirit; it was the instant restoration of his sight that then signaled the end of his alignment. Following this incident, he would often forget to take his medication without any adverse consequences. At one of his routine medical checkups, he was informed that his sugar level was back to normal, confirming his healing from diabetes. Four (4) months later, the elated couple are standing before the congregation, glorifying God for a new lease in their lives. The affection that was lost has been restored in their marriage, Mr. Moyo has cancelled the order he made for spectacles and diabetes is a thing of the past!

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