In the world of today, when people think of God they are only concerned with receiving from Him and neglect the most important part which is, maintenance. That is, when we receive from God, it all happens in an instant, however, maintaining what we have received is for a life time. Now, if the maintenance of your blessing is for a life time then definitely, you should be more concerned of maintenance than receiving. Trying to maintain what is from God (blessing) through human wisdom or strength will prove futile because whatever is from God can only be maintained through Him. The bible in the book of John 5: 1-14 teaches us about the invalid man who encountered Christ Jesus and was healed at the command of His Word. Later Jesus found Him at the temple and said to him “See you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.” Jesus said this to him to show him that the healing he has received can only be maintained through Him. Remember, fish is born in the water and can only live in the water and there can be no fish in the absence of water. Likewise, your blessing cannot survive in the absence of the Spring of Living waters – Jesus Christ!


Brethren, from now on divert your attention from mere receiving and be concerned of how to maintain what you have received from God.

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