Indeed, the testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy and Ms Kelefe Mozee is a witness to that! In this past Friday service, the Spirit of God located her as the Prophet was moving in the congregation; the spirit of an old woman, lust, masturbation and as well as a snake were spotted in her life as the prophecy unfolded.

Today, Kelefe stood before the church to confirm the words of prophecy to be nothing but the truth. She alluded that ‘Mme’ meaning old lady, was a common name used whenever she was addressed in her village. Although she recalled that when growing up she was named after her grandmother, she never imagined that it would have any impact in the future. She noted that as time passed, the spirit of an old woman became evident in her life; she started facing rejection in her workplace to an extent that she would fail to secure a permanent job, for no sound employer would recruit an old woman! To her dismay, Kelefe was also limited in her academics. Her love life on the other hand was nothing to write home about. Being a married woman soon became a far-fetched dream for her relationships would last for but a moment.

As for her dreams, Kelefe was frequented by different men using her. In addition, whenever she watched movies with obscene content, an urge to meet a man would be evoked. This was indeed a confirmation that the spirits of lust and masturbation were prevalent in her life. Kelefe also confirmed that she was tormented by snakes in her dreams. What would ensue thereafter, would be recurrent appearance of a snake in the physical.

Kelefeng’s case did not escape the anointing of God! After receiving prayer in the powerful name of Jesus Christ, the manufacturer of all evil in her life was forcefully sent packing. With joy beyond human measure, Kelefe testified that she is free, all for the Glory of God. Her dreams have been normalized and peace of God now reigns in her heart.

Contact / Location

Contact info

+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

Gathering Times

From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

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