“What are the doctors saying about the baby? You will not have complications during birth as anticipated; these fibroids that were supposed to make you struggle when you give birth will just come out without a struggle. Who is this? I see Shadrack Meshack and Abednego but the one you are carrying is Meshack”. The 2nd of October 2016 was the day the course of Gibe’s life was re-written as she received these words of prophecy from the servant of God Prophet Cedric.

Ms Gibe narrated that her health was a murky anecdote of fibroids which threatened the life of the precious baby boy she was carrying. After numerous visits to the hospital, the medics concluded that she would have difficulties when giving birth because of the fibroids. This was because the snags she had encountered during her first pregnancy resulted in residues of blood being left in her womb thus developing into a fibroids. They had also come up with the dreadful prognosis that the child maybe a still- born. Desperate for a solution Gibe found it fit to come to the presence of God for divine intervention as nothing could be done by the doctors. She found favour in God’s sight as she was located by the Almighty through His servant Prophet Cedric; she received a prophecy and was prayed for in Jesus’ name. Just as the servant of God had prophesied when in labour doctors stood with eagerness to see how the baby would be delivered; an outburst of struggles was imagined but alas! No pains, the fibroids just came out without a slight streak of pain and baby Meshack was born!

The grace also extended to Gibe’s finances as she was promoted from a ground’s lady to an office cleaner and also given a salary increment. Though Ms Gibe had toiled for many years, it had always proven to be vanity as she had nothing to show for all her hard work. However this time around, with a miniature salary of less than P2000 she was able to purchase a car for herself; something that seemed to be a far-fetched dream.  From a super pedestrian she now has a car and many marvel at the greatness of God in her life!

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