“I see your results being swapped with of a very poor performing student and by the time you receive your results and find out how you performed, you will faint and die…Don’t worry I will give you the Living Water and you will come back with a testimony”- These were the prophetic words from Prophet Cedric as he encountered Mompati during one of the Sunday Services.
Mompati Kesireletswe expounds that he could have never succeeded in his life without God being part and parcel of his entire life including academics, considering that he was just an average student who sometimes underperformed at school. Mompati would spend most of his time watching television and hardly read his books. As a result he got a C grade for his PSLE. He was so embarrassed about this to a point where he decided to work hard at junior level and as result got a B grade for his JCE. The young lad attributes his improvement to the messages he received from the man of God during PPS meetings. Messages such as Divert Your Attention from where it has been to your Academics’ found room in his heart and propelled him to divorce all the bad habits he found himself entwined in, and gave him a boost to focus on his studies.
Since that time Mompati never looked back, even when he got to a senior school; he worked hard and put the messages from the man of God in action and it eventually began to pay off as he continuously scored 46 points throughout the two years of his senior level. Just like all others, Mompati was also tempted to engage in social networks and dating but was able to overcome by being rooted in God’s word; he was willing to sacrifice all the worldly pleasures for the sake of his academics. As a result he was also recognized for his diligence and hard work at school and was given awards for doing well in his academics.
Two weeks after the commencement of the BGCSE final exam, the Man of God gave him a prophecy that exposed and paralyzed the plans of the devil to swap Mompati’s results. Following the prophecy, the Man of God prayed for him and gave him assurance that he would emerge victorious. Throughout the examination period Mompati ministered the Living Water which he received from the man of God, and just as the Prophet had declared, he did exceptionally well; he attained 47 points with 3 A*, 2 A’s, 3 B’s and a C and now he is looking forward to proceed to tertiary level.