
For Mrs. Thenjiwe Napamabayani, life became unbearable after the sudden death of her husband in April 2014. As if it was not enough to have to come to terms with the pain of bereavement, she also had to deal with the uncontrollable pelvic bleeding that began immediately after her husband passed on. At first, she paid minimal attention to the ordeal believing it to be her monthlies however its persistence gave the high sign that something was out of kilter. Seeing that days had turned into months, Ms. Thenjiwe could do nothing except seek medical attention. Upon examination by the medics, she was told that she has fibroids and that they were the cause of her constant bleeding. Day by day the young widow’s health got worse, her condition pompously thriving on the distress caused by the sad memory of her late husband. The constant bleeding accompanied by stress turned Mrs. Thenjiwe into a shadow of her former boisterous self; she became lean and very weak thus affecting her working ability.

Two years having passed, Mrs Thenjiwe looked aged and very lifeless. She had sought all kinds of help known to man but none had availed hence she only hoped on God’s intervention. In March 2015, the spirit of God located her through Prophet Cedric, she received a prophecy that her husband’s death had caused her deep hurt and if she is not delivered, this pain would be the cause of her death. She went on to receive yet another prophecy on April 3rd 2016 that addressed the issue of bleeding. On both occasions the man of God prayed for her and instantly set her free from her pain of the past as well as the issue of blood. On a follow up medical checkup, the doctors confirmed that everything is back to normal; no more bleeding, no more fibroids!

“After the prayer of the man of God I am totally free! I only have good memories of my husband and I am no longer stressed; I have even gained weight. God has restored my health; the bleeding has stopped, I experience a normal menstrual cycle like any other woman. Thank you Jesus!”– Concluded the joyful Mrs. Thenjiwe.

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