Just as the proverbial seed that falls on rocky ground among thorns and it is lost; but when it falls on good earth it grows, yielding thirty, sixty, and to a hundredfold, such is the life of Mrs Mokone. She grew up in an idolatrous background that fancied the counsel of herbalists. From a very tender age of three years old, she was introduced to one such ‘inyangas’ who initiated her and since then, her life has been a frolicking arena of similar heinous spirits. Her entire upbringing to say the least was terrorized by a spiritual husband that would take the faces of different men and ravish her through the dreams she had. In later years, it manipulated itself into a different façade, now working as lust that was often expressed as uncontrollable sexual feelings. The pitiable lady would find herself in a trap; undressing any man that fell prey to this voracious spirit.

At the invitation of a friend, she made her way to The Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries where she met Jesus Christ who is alive; still liberating people from all of their infirmities to this day! She later invited her then suitor who was also in dire need of God’s helping hand in his business and personal life. He never regarded the institution of marriage and his business could hardly bring any tangible returns. Whilst the duo continued coming to the church and growing in faith, Mr Mokone came across a billboard advert to bid for a certain major project. Although he was inexperienced and had no valuable expertise as per the requirements of the job, he formed a partnership and fully dependent on faith, he went on to tenure his bid. Starting from the ingle- bottom, he shot straight to top and won the contract valued at 1.56 Million Pula.

As if that was not enough, during one of the laying of hands services in the church, an evil spirit manifested itself through the mouth of Mrs Mokone and confessed that it was the cause of the growing wound on her husband’s leg. The power of God quickly sent that spirit packing and Mr Mokone was prayed for and healed. Since the prayer administered by Prophet Cedric, Mrs Mokone is no longer at the mercy of the spiritual husband, spirit of lust and masturbation. Adding onto all these developments, within a few weeks, the couple finally celebrated their union and today, they are loudly proclaiming the wonders they have seen in their lives. Surely, their lives today epitomize the great proverbial seed that found its way to good soil and began to grow, yielding to a manifold blessings.

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