Through a special broadcasted message, Prophet Cedric began to teach the church on the subject of ‘Expectations’. On a mission to empower and transform the lives of the congregants, he started off by saying, “I know that faith is an expectation, that is, whenever we come to God we come expecting to be healed, delivered and blessed. Oftentimes, we expect one thing or the other from God and many are times, there are even ways of which we expect the Holy Spirit to execute His way in order for us to receive our blessings.”
Furthering on this, Prophet Cedric took the church to [2 Kings 5:1-13] where we learn of a leprous man named Naaman. He went out on chariots towards the house of Prophet Elisha and upon arrival, whilst expecting the Prophet to come out and meet him by the door in order to administer healing, he was upset and disappointed to learn that the Prophet had only sent a Word to him. Although he had high expectations of Prophet Elisha coming out to meet, address and pray for his condition, that was not the divine will of the Holy Spirit. However, when we continue in the same scripture, we learn that the Word of the Prophet was enough to completely heal the leprous condition that Naaman had. Now this poses a great question for you, ‘What is your expectation? Is it parallel to the divine will of the Holy Spirit over your life?’


Whilst leaving this question to linger a bit longer throughout the congregation, the man of God cited the second Biblical example; the Royal Official, whose son was very sick to the point of death. In the same way, he had an expectation when he went to meet Jesus Christ; he wanted the Lord to travel all the way overnight to his house in order to attend to his sickly son [John4: 43-54]. Just like Naaman, his expectation involved a very long process that was not in accordance with God’s will whilst on the other hand, Jesus Christ just as Prophet Elisha offered the Royal Official a short- cut to his son’s healing through a Word.


“When you swallow your expectations and humble yourself, the Holy Spirit will lift you up and His divine will shall take precedence in your life. Remember this, the Lord’s thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are His ways your ways. Now just as the Heavens are higher than the earth, so are His ways higher than your ways and His thoughts than your thoughts” projected Prophet Cedric. Good people, it doesn’t take anything for Jesus to solve your problem but all it takes is a Word as it did with the leprosy of Naaman and the sickly Royal Official’s son. It only took the Word of the Prophets; both Elisha and Jesus Christ. That is, the very Word that came from God via the lips of His servants is the one that brought about healing. Therefore, it does not take anything to heal, deliver and bless you- it only takes God’s Word; “He sent forth his Word and healed them” [Psalm 107:20]


In closing, these were the last of today’s preaching; “Brethren, when you swallow your expectations and wait only on God for His divine will, then the very Word that you shall receive from His servants will terminate everything that the devil has said about you. Your life will be aligned to God’s master plan. Remember when Jesus was at a wedding in Cana, where He transformed water into wine. You do know that water is tasteless and wine is sweet therefore begin to picture that in your life. That today your life shall be like the water in Cana; it has been tasteless but Jesus is now introduced into your town (life, marriage, business and job) and that means that taste is being introduced to your life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Remember, when you swallow your expectation as a humble child of God, a miracle takes place and today, your Word from God is, GO! YOUR LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME! Write this Word in the tablet of your heart because I see you coming back with a testimony!” concluded Prophet Cedric.


1 Comment

  • tiroyaone bohula
    Posted March 10, 2017 4:43 pm 0Likes

    Indeed a powerful message by Prophet Cedric..Amen in Jesus Name.

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